Saturday, March 13, 2010

What's this all about?

So today I got this crazy idea to create this blog. Not sure what will become of it or where it will go, but I am going to give it a shot. I guess I got to thinking that no matter how spectacular we all are in our own little way - deep down inside we are all just women. We love to talk, analyze and share. We are thinkers, we are planners and yes, we are emotional. So when your husband is too tied up with sports to listen, your man has heard all he can stand and your girls are all too busy to give you the time, put your feet up, get out your laptop and let's talk.

Although there will always be a daily question and thought posted, please feel free to share your thoughts, change the topic or ask for a piece of advice from all us women out here listening to you. This will be the place you can be "just you" and openly show and share the soft, sensitive and emotional side. No need to wear the superwoman suit in this world - its just us girls! (...and its all anonymous, if you choose)

Looking forward to getting to know you all!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I'm always looking for advice and you never can have too many girlfriends to listen.
